Does anybody ever read this blog? As I hardly ever get any comments from anyone I don't know if it is read by anyone. Anyhow, on Saturday we had another good book club meeting with the eight girls. We discussed the book
Military Music by Vladimir Kaminer which I did not find to be such a good book but we had good discussions nevertheless. Kaminer's writing is good and he writes in an absurd, funny way about all his adventures in a Russia that is falling apart. After the book discussion we started talking about men and I had a long monologue about dating younger men and how it was OK if they were born in the 70s and I stated very firmly that if they were born in the 80s they were way to young for me. Of course I should not have said that as a few hours later I was at a birthday party of a 30-year-old friend and met a very nice guy who was both cute and a good dancer and guess how old he was... 24!!! That means he was born in 1985! I really had to laugh at myself as one should never say never about anything but honestly, if he was born in 1985, the year the film
the Breakfast Club came out, I am almost old enough to be his mum! PS. I have a date on Friday and the guy is 41, that's a bit better isn't it?
1 kommentar:
Careful what you wish for chica with those blokes! I do read your blog and enjoy it muchisima. always good to learn a little more about you and Suecia.
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