A few days ago I had a preliminary "date" with the man I fancy and on that day I did not hear a single word from him- no sms, no email, no phone call. As this has happened before with him I was not surprised, but disappointed. How hard is it in this day and age if you change your plans to just send an sms? Apparently very difficult... I spoke to him this morning and he told me he had been staying overnight with friends and had no credit on his phone, but when you agree to get in touch to arrange to meet, why don't you? I have many male friends in my close circle and many of them seem to have a big problem with getting in touch in a timely manner. Phone calls are never made, sms messages are left unanswered and appointments are cancelled without notification. It saddens me as I am a great communicator and find my friends very important - so TO ME it means something when we agree to get in touch or to meet. Apparently it does not mean as much to many of the people I know - a shame. In this particular case I was a little more disappointed than usual as I want us to be more than just friends (which he doesn't know about) but I think I will just have to learn that promises don't mean much and "let's get in touch" should not be taken so seriously, not with some at least.
1 kommentar:
Malin dearest, it saddens me that some people in your life are not giving you the respect you deserve.
Not all men are like this; women can do this to guys just as easily [i've been stood up before I can assure you!].
The key is not letting these people affect you. Be confident, realize your worth and know that you deserve better.
Would you want a friend to treat you like this? No? Well, then that person isn't a friend - let alone 'date' material.
Friendship first, if someone can't treat you properly as you would want a friend to, there is no romantic viability.
Sadly I am not going via Stockholm this xmass... snivels! So close and yet still so far...
Hopefully we will meet again soon, maybe on a tropical island?
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