tisdag 30 december 2008
Skiing mon amour
Back at work today with a little bit of a hangover as I had a nice beer evening in Bishop's Arms - a British pub right in the centre of Stockholm yesterday. My beer friend for the evening was no other than my eternal fling who I have chosen to ignore lately as he is so bad at getting in touch - but of course he called me and I couldn't say no. We had a nice evening talking about travelling, literature, tattooes, parents, parenthood, games, moustaches and skiing. It turns out - to my great joy- that he also likes skiing and happens to have some cousins living in the north of Sweden close to some very nice slopes so we started planning a little weekend trip there together in February. Should be nice (if it happens) and maybe then and outside of skiing hours I have to make him drink excessive amounts of alcohol and then seduce him as this non-happening potential love story has definitely been going on for too long.
söndag 28 december 2008
Light therapy, UNO and great friends
We are back from a wonderful week in Bümplitz, Switzerland and Meina, Italy. It was a nice break from all routines and the grey, rainy weather Stockholm had to offer just before Christmas. Now we/I fell strengthened and ready to take on a new, exciting year. My son tried to ski for the first time in Lenk and loved it - we pretended that he was a skiing dinosaur of course. The sun was strong and warm in Switzerland and the snow perfect. I also greatly enjoyed it - although my legs and back were killing me - talk about being untrained- so my promise to myself for next year will have to be to be more active in the slopes or elsewhere in order to stay more fit and energized. It was of course also great to see our old friends again. We had lots of wine, played the card game UNO like maniacs (my brother always a winner, I always the loser...) and just relaxed and talked. We also made a short visit to my Italian friend's cottage by Lake Maggiore. What a romantic place with a fantastic view of the lake. I am very glad we took the time to go although my son threw up in the car and we almost got snowed in overnight. I also saw the classic film Sunset Boulevard (1950) for the first time in my life too. Now, back in la bella Svezia and I am taking it very easy. Hanging out with the cats Svante and Margie on the sofa, drinking coffee, having baths, while my son is with his father. It's great to be alone too sometimes!
fredag 19 december 2008
Switzerland here we come
In Switzerland there is a lot of snow at the moment so we cannot wait to go there! My son keeps saying we are going to Spain but that is probably because that is the only holiday he remembers he had (in the summer). It will be wonderful to catch up with old friends and to be in the great outdoors. It feels as if I have spent the entire autumn in an office without any daylight or physical activity so I am really looking forward to a change of scenery. This week has gone by very fast. On Tuesday was the funeral of my uncle Egon which was a beautiful and sad event. Yesterday my aunt came to see us for a short visit. I think that that is what Christmas is all about: spending quality time with friends and family. For New Year's Eve we're going to see my sister who lives in a house on an island -Asperö - outside Gothenburg - that will be lovely too. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE - TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER!
måndag 15 december 2008
A new life
torsdag 11 december 2008
The great tiredness
I have been struck by the great tiredness. I think it happened about a week ago and this week I have cancelled all my appointments as I am just too tired and boring to be able to meet up with friends. I did go to a christmas dinner with work on Tuesday but I hardly opened my mouth and nearly fell asleep at the table so by half past eight it was time to go home and sleep. Usually I am a little worn-out this time a year but this year it is almost a joke as I cannot open my eyes when the alarm clock rings. I seriously ONLY want to be in the house and eat, watch TV, read books, kiss Max and sleep. I think the fact that I have had three new jobs in the past four years has started to catch up on me. I just want to have a holiday now. But apparently I am not the only one in this state of mind, if that's any comfort. The metro is full of worn-out people with empty eyes and outside it's raining and dark so no wonder everyone is miserable. Next year I'll definitely buy a trip to a warm country this time of year...
fredag 5 december 2008
The sky can wait
On Swedish television there is a documentary series at the moment called The Sky can wait which portrays five people who have been given a diagnosis with a deadly outcome. For instance, one man of 42 has MND -motor neuron disease- and one 31 year old woman has breast cancer that has spread. This documentary is very positive I have to say. First I was a little afraid to watch the programme as this is difficult to take in but it is very important to let oneself think of death sometime, one's own and others. Yesterday the programme had the title "everything is as usual, nothing is as usual". Many of the people in the programme have children and one of the women has been ill since her son was six months. How do you handle a thing like that? She said on the programme that she often felt tired and sad but that she did not want to show it and that she did not know if she was going to watch her son grow up... how hard! I have to say that Swedish television is doing a good job showing what is is like to be given a diagnosis and yet continue living with great hope and courage and defy the state of ill health. (photo: www.charlotteaberg.com)
torsdag 4 december 2008
Karachi wine
During a dinner with several dentists from Pakistan last night I learnt that in Karachi you bring wine in a plastic bag to the restaurant. The wine is then poured into a teapot and is then not illegal to drink as it has then been turned into tea and is no longer considered wine. I know very little of Pakistan and was surprised how freespoken my table partners were about their lives there. My table partners told me that "everyone" (read: the rich and well-educated) live in appartment complexes with swimming-halls, sport facilities and food stores. You never leave these "clubs" as they are called without taking a car and a security guard with you. You never walk around in the centre so to speak as it is not safe, especially not if you are a foreigner and/or a woman. A few years back a couple of exchange students dared to leave the club to go climbing in the mountains and they had Malaria so that was not recommended as my new acquaintances pointed out. The evening was rather exciting. We had fantastic food and the conversation and wine flowed for four hours. These type of international encounters are beautiful and memorable. After dinner I had a phone call from my diabolical ex-housemate who is now back in town but that is another story!
tisdag 2 december 2008
On being bitter
Today, or rather all week I have been feeling rather bitter. It is not a nice feeling and very unlike me I must add. I have just been feeling this way because of recent events and it's not a big deal and I am sure it will pass within a day or two, but sometimes we must be allowed to feel bitter I guess. On Saturday I threw an Advent party for my friends and on the day itself about fifteen friends /acquaintances sent text messages that they were unable to make it. Also not to mention the 5-10 people who did not get in touch at all to confirm if they were coming or not. OK I understand on a cold November evening that many people have colds and depressions and/or do not feel like leaving the house but almost 20 people is a bit much... this thing though is not the only reason for my sudden bitterness but let's say I have run out of energy to organise social events so don't count on me from now on.
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