We are back from a wonderful week in Bümplitz, Switzerland and Meina, Italy. It was a nice break from all routines and the grey, rainy weather Stockholm had to offer just before Christmas. Now we/I fell strengthened and ready to take on a new, exciting year. My son tried to ski for the first time in Lenk and loved it - we pretended that he was a skiing dinosaur of course. The sun was strong and warm in Switzerland and the snow perfect. I also greatly enjoyed it - although my legs and back were killing me - talk about being untrained- so my promise to myself for next year will have to be to be more active in the slopes or elsewhere in order to stay more fit and energized. It was of course also great to see our old friends again. We had lots of wine, played the card game UNO like maniacs (my brother always a winner, I always the loser...) and just relaxed and talked. We also made a short visit to my Italian friend's cottage by Lake Maggiore. What a romantic place with a fantastic view of the lake. I am very glad we took the time to go although my son threw up in the car and we almost got snowed in overnight. I also saw the classic film
Sunset Boulevard (1950) for the first time in my life too. Now, back in la bella Svezia and I am taking it very easy. Hanging out with the cats Svante and Margie on the sofa, drinking coffee, having baths, while my son is with his father. It's great to be alone too sometimes!